The ultimate U.K. Hi-Fi Show 2017 is a unique ultra high-end audio event organised by the renowned Hi-Fi News magazine team. The show is the biggest of its type in the United Kingdom and is held within six conference centre’s in the grounds of the Beaumont Estate, Windsor. In a new style from the conventional show format, visitors will be treated to a series of memorable high-end audio experiences like never before, including SME’s own ultra high-end demo with live equipment throughout Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd October. The SME Model 30/12’s refinement and performance will leave you speechless. We will be based in the largest exhibition room, The Remenham, which will be run by our UK distributor, Padood.

Show Dates and Times:

21st – 22nd October 2017

Saturday 21st October 09:30 to 17:30 / Sunday 22nd 09:30 to 17:30

Visiting SME at the Remenham Room is a must if you wish to be blown away!

Johannes Kraemer